Thursday, 25 February 2010

LMS Priest Training Conference



This conference is being organised by the Latin Mass Society for diocesan and parish priests. Priests will receive training to learn the traditional Latin Mass and Liturgy.

Visitors are welcome to attend the following services.


Mon 12th April. 11.00: Solemn High Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
(Plainsong – Missa Cum Jubilo)
17.30. Vespers from the Little Office of The BVM

Tues 13th April. 11.15. Missa Cantata (Sung Mass).
(Plainsong – Missa Lux et Origo)
17.30. Rosary and Benediction.

Wed 14th April. 11.15. Missa Cantata (Sung Mass).
(Plainsong – Missa Cunctipotens Genitor Deus).
17.30. Vespers.

Thurs 15th April. 11.00. Solemn Requiem Mass.
(Missa pro Defunctis – Victoria).
17.30. Vespers.

Fri 16th April. 11.00. Solemn High Mass of St Cuthbert.
(Missa Aeterna Christi Munera – Palestrina).

All services will be held in St Cuthbert’s Chapel. Access is via the Conference Centre. Please allow ten minutes for parking and getting to the chapel.

Training will also be given to men and boys in altar serving.

Further information can be obtained from the LMS local contact:
David or Theresa O’Neill on 0191 264 5771. Email: david-oneill3 at

upcoming events - March

Sunday 7 March 2010
Adoration & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11.00am, St Margaret's RC Church, Loch Rd, South Queensferry,
followed by Benediction at 3.00pm

Sunday 7 March 2010
St John Ogilvie Prayer Vigil
3pm, Glasgow Cross (Tolbooth); for more info see here

Sunday 7 March 2010
Sung Latin Vespers
7.15pm, St Margaret's Chapel, Canmore, St Andrews (info)

Saturday 13 March 2010
Una Voce Scotland Lenten Day of Recollection
10.00am - 4.00pm, Nazareth House, Cardonald (Glasgow) (info)

Sunday 14 March 2010
Adoration & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11.00am, St Margaret's RC Church, Loch Rd, South Queensferry,
followed by Benediction at 3.00pm

Monday 15 March 2010
Screening of 'Turning the Tide', documentary about euthanasia (info)
7.00 - 9.00 pm, Café Via, Turnbull Hall, Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy

Saturday 20 March 2010
A Passiontide Meditation
Talks, readings and chants, culminating in
First Vespers of Passion Sunday
9.30am - 4.30pm, St Mary's Parish Centre /
Café Camino, Broughton Street, Edinburgh
E-mail for further details

Sunday 21 March 2010
Adoration & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11.00am, St Margaret's RC Church, Loch Rd, South Queensferry,
followed by Benediction at 3.00pm

Thursday 25 March 2010
(Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
5.00pm, St Mary's RC Cathedral, Broughton Street, Edinburgh (info)
please note change of time

Thursday 25 March 2010
Low Mass for the Annunciation
6.15pm, FSSP Oratory, 6 Belford Park, Edinburgh

Friday 26 March 2010
Pro-Life Vigil (all-night Exposition)
6.00pm - 9.30am, St Lucy's, 9 Pine Crescent, Abronhill, Cumbernauld (info)

Sunday 28 March 2010
Lenten Penitential Service
2.30pm, St Margaret's RC Church, Loch Rd, South Queensferry,
with Confessions
, preceded by Exposition and Benediction, 11.00am - 1.45pm


Please comment with details of further events.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Lenten Devotions

During Lent there will be Stations of the Cross, 5.30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, at the FSSP Oratory, 6 Belford Park, Edinburgh. This will be followed by Holy Mass at 6.00pm.

On Saturday 13 March, there is taking place a Lenten Day of Recollection, organised by Una Voce Scotland. This will include Holy Mass, a Spiritual Conference, lunch, and a Holy Hour. 10.00am, Nazareth House, Cardonald, Glasgow - please bring packed lunch.

Please note: there will also be Vespers for the Annunciation, within St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh at 6.45pm, Thursday 25 March.


Please comment with details of further events you are aware of.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

O.F. Latin Mass moves

As of tomorrow, the first Sunday of Lent, the Ordinary Form Mass celebrated in Latin will move to the Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy, Turnbull Hall, Southpark Terrace. The Mass is celebrated at 4pm, every Sunday.

For more information, see

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Lenten Retreat

Lenten week-end of recollection: 5-7 March 2010
on ‘The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell and Heaven’.

*Address: All Saints Conference Centre, Shenley Lane, London Colney, Herts, AL2 1AF.

*Starts on Friday 5th March 2010 at 5pm (later arrival possible) – ends on Sunday 7th March 2010 at 4pm.
*Holy Mass in the EF on Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday.
*Confession / spiritual direction on request.

* Retreat Master: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
*Price: £126 everything included (for: £116 as Centre’s fees + £10 as FSSP fees).
*Please bring your traditional hand missal + your own towel and soap.

*Booking: please send to us a £15 deposit cheque made payable to FSSP ENGLAND. Please kindly book now.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Invocation 2010

Invocation 2010 is a UK national festival aimed at young men and women aged 16-35, who are looking to deepen their relationship with Christ, discern God’s will for their lives and perhaps be open to the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life.

This year's event is taking place from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 July at St Mary's College, Oscott (near Birmingham).

For more information see the website at

Friday, 5 February 2010

Launch of the Gregorian Chant Network

On Saturday 30th January, a meeting was held at the London Oratory to launch a new grouping, the Gregorian Chant Network, of scholas and interested parties to coordinate the promotion of Gregorian Chant in the Catholic liturgy.

The meeting was opened and the concept of the GCN introduced by Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society. After lunch Colin Mawby, the distinguished composer and former Director of Music at Westminster Cathedral, gave the keynote address on the importance of Chant, followed by a practical session on methods of conducting the Chant.

The meeting was attended by members of the Latin Mass Society, Una Voce Scotland, the Association for Latin Liturgy, the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, a number of chant teachers and experts, and the Directors of a score of Gregorian Chant scholas from all over the country, 36 people in all. The meeting concluded with First Vespers of Septagesima Sunday in the Little Oratory, led by Fr Alexander.

For more information, see