Thursday, 15 December 2011

32 seminarians tonsured the same day

On 22nd October 2011, 14 and 18 seminarians were tonsured in each of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter's two seminaries, making it 32 altogether: the largest number of ‘tonsurati’ in the history of the Fraternity. Among them were three from the United Kingdom: Revs Krzysztof (originally from Poland), Alex, and Mark. The latter reports on the ceremony in Bavaria.

In the Old Testament the tribe of Levi had no inheritance to call their own; they had no land to pass on to their sons. According to God's merciful plan they were accorded forty-eight cities to dwell in – scattered amongst the other tribes – but this was for their maintenance; they had no "heritable property" as we would know it today. And yet, having nothing, they had everything, for "the Lord God of Israel Himself" was their possession (Jos. 13:33).

So it is for the cleric. He is singled out, set apart – after a particular call from the Lord – to bring sacrifice to the Lord. Living in a spirit of poverty, he has – like the Levites – nothing material to give. Rather he brings the offerings of others, and above all he brings himself to be offered. Thus with a joyful heart I, and thirteen of my confrères, prayed the immortal words from Psalm XV– "The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: it is thou that wilt restore my inheritance to me" – and received the clerical tonsure on October 22nd in Lindau, on the shores of Lake Constance in Bavaria, from His Excellency Vitus Huonder, Bishop of the neighbouring diocese of Chur (Zurich) in Switzerland.

In a moving ceremony, the Seminarian is "called forward" to receive the tonsure, where he answers "adsum", that he is present and ready; he is prepared. The Seminarian having donned the collar, soutane and cincture privately in the Sacristy – the collar representing Christ's yoke, and the cincture chastity – the Bishop proceeds to cut five locks from the Seminarian's hair in the form of a Cross, at the same time reciting the above verse from the Psalter in Latin. Then the Surplice – the cleric's particular garb for Liturgy (the Soutane being his everyday clothing, it must be remembered) – is "imposed" onto the Seminarian, with the prayer that the Lord will make him a "new man, created by God in justice and the sanctity of Truth" (c.f. Eph. 4:24).

Whilst the Code of Canon Law now recognises the clerical state only with the conferring of the Diaconate, the ceremony of Tonsure and Clothing as Clerics makes us such liturgically and „existentially‟. One may not yet canonically be a cleric, but for us, and for the eighteen further Seminarians who received the Tonsure on the same day in America, a very visible change has taken place. To the world we look like clerics, or – not knowing any better – we are mistaken for Priests, and we are confronted with a new identity each time our reflection is seen in a pane of glass or a mirror. Is it really me there? Yes, and – trusting in God's call – I will continue to "put on" My Lord each day, and suffer for His sake. (Though, most encounters are positive, because – even in today's "Godless" society – people recognise a commitment as such.)

And so began my second year as a Seminarian for the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. After a first, "probationary" year, the very visual ceremony and change from civil clothes into always dressing like a cleric, is one that strikingly confirms that one is continuing in formation. With six years still "to go", there is plenty time to become used to the soutane, and also to be formed by it. After all, our formation here is not only academic, as Pope John Paul II noted in the Apostolic Exhortation "Pastores Dabo Vobis", but must also encompass human, pastoral and spiritual formation. And even a piece of clothing contributes to that (though, having been blessed by the Bishop, our Soutanes are also sacramentals!).

The Seminary formation here follows the model prescribed by the Council of Trent while conforming to the Ratio Studiorum of the Holy See. The first year, probationary in nature, is a year of spiritual formation, during which the candidate becomes disciplined in a community life of prayer and penance. The next two years comprise a thorough grounding in thomistic philosophy, during which the Seminarian also continues studies in Latin, scripture, and Gregorian chant, already begun in first year. This is then followed by four years of theological studies, during the last of which one is on placement as a deacon.

Already in the first year there were many challenges to be met: dealing in a foreign language "all day, every day" has its initial frustrations but immense benefits. After years of disuse my childhood German had become very rusty, and I prepared for entering the Seminary by going "back to school", to night classes. That said, the first few weeks were daunting as the artificial environment of my Hometown University could only prepare me so far, and I found many gaps: the language of philosophy being somewhat different from that of the holidaymaker or business traveller.

The daily régime of the Seminary is also demanding, but very rewarding: the day centres around the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Hours of the Divine Office (the Breviary). By 6:25am Seminarians are in the Church praying Lauds in choir, this is then followed by silent mental prayer and then the community Mass. Likewise, Seminarians gather in the chapel for Sext (midday prayer) and Vespers, or Rosary in common, or Adoration and Benediction, and again in the Church for Compline (night prayer). The rest of the day is made up of classes and tasks and chores. Despite there being two mandatory recreation periods, one after lunch and one after the evening meal, the day seems full-packed and in second year it does not show any signs of slowing down!

That said, the daily rhythm bears for me a great deal similarity to that one finds in, for example, a Benedictine monastery. By that I mean that there seems a healthy mix between all the aspects of life necessary for formation: not one seems to rule at the expense of the rest. There is work and study, time for silence and then time to talk, private prayer and contemplation, public liturgy and outreach; all has its right place. This follows the succinct maxim of the Middle Ages: "in medio stat virtus", virtue lies in the centre. Hence, whilst the life can be hard at times, there is a real sense of reward and valuable work, especially when one looks to the goal: the Catholic Priesthood. I cannot presume to second-guess the Lord's divine plan for me, but should it be that He wishes me to be His Priest, then here is the place to realise that end. And so I am reminded of the prayer of the cleric each day he dons his Surplice: "Clothe me, O Lord, in the new man, who is created by God in justice and the sanctity of truth".

(originally published in Downry, no. 12 (Autumn 2011), magazine of the FSSP in England)

Monday, 31 October 2011

Vocation discernment weekend / Altar servers' weekend

Vocation discernment weekend, at St John Fisher House in Reading on 16-18 December 2011:
For Catholic men between 18 and 35 years of age (under 18 please contact us).

Starts on Friday 16th December 2011 at 6pm – ends on Sunday 18th December 2011 mid-afternoon. Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP.

Location: St John Fisher House is the residence of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in England & Wales.

Address: 17, Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU, England.

Access: 27mn from London Paddington by direct trains up to every 10mn, and from London Waterloo. Direct trains from Oxford, Bournemouth, Bristol, Newcastle, York, Birmingham, Gatwick Airport, Southampton Airport, etc. Direct 'RailAir' buses from Heathrow to Reading train station every 20mn. Motorway: M4.
Limited overnight accommodation: please book now.

Programme: Spiritual conferences, socials, Holy Mass each of the three days (Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite) including polyphonic Sunday Mass, silent prayer, private talk with Fr de Malleray, FSSP. Fr de Malleray will explain what a vocation is in general and to the priesthood in particular. Read here the Holy Father's recent Letter to seminarians. Extract: "The proper celebration of the Eucharist involves knowing, understanding and loving the Church's liturgy in its concrete form. In the liturgy we pray with the faithful of every age – the past, the present and the future are joined in one great chorus of prayer. As I can state from personal experience, it is inspiring to learn how it all developed, what a great experience of faith is reflected in the structure of the Mass, and how it has been shaped by the prayer of many generations."

Cost: no set price for students or unemployed – any donation welcome; others: £50 suggested.

New: our special Vocations flyer and videos on


Altar servers' weekend (residential): at St John Fisher House in Reading on 18-20 November 2011:
For single Catholic men between 18 and 35 years of age (under 18 please contact us).

Starts on Friday 18th November 2011 at 6pm – ends on Sunday 20th November 2011 mid-afternoon. Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP.

In a convivial atmosphere, come and learn (or improve) how to set the vestments and sacred items before Mass and to serve Low Mass and Benediction. EF Mass on the Friday evening, Saturday morning and Sunday morning. Fr de Malleray will give explanations on the liturgy.
Limited overnight accommodation: please book now. Non residential participants welcome.

Cost: no set price for students or unemployed – any donation welcome; others: £50 suggested.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Lanherne Convent appeal

by Dr Joseph Shaw

I too have received the same e-mail as Fr Sean and Fr Ray Blake.

The Sisters of the Immaculate at Lanherne have for ten years occupied a convent owned by the Carmelites. This is not odd for them as they are unable to own property. However the Carmelites have announced that they wish to put the convent on the open market, unless... well, unless the Sisters can come up with something.

They are a thriving community who use Traditional Mass the 1962 Breviary. They are a sister order to the Friars of the Immaculate, who have a base in Stoke and two of whom accompanied the LMS Pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Please pray for a solution to be found. The community is unique in the British Isles and if they lose the convent they will have to return to Italy. The order, and the community at Lanherne, is international.
If we English Catholics can't find a home for these sisters who want to devote their entire lives to praying for us, then I say we do not deserve the conversion of England for which we all long.

(reposted from LMS Chairman blog)

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Ordination of new Bishop of Aberdeen

Fr. Hugh Gilbert, former Abbot of Pluscarden will be ordained Bishop ofAberdeen at St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen on Monday 15th August.

From the Episcopal Ordination Bishop Hugh Gilbert will become the leaderof the geographically largest diocese within the UK. He spent 37years as a contemplative monk, and was Abbot of the PluscardenAbbey, near Elgin.

Speaking before the ceremony, Bishop-Elect Hugh said:"It is a privilege and a joy to be asked to serve the Church, and thewider community, in the beautiful diocese of Aberdeen, where I havealready lived as a monk for 37 years. I am grateful for the warm welcomegiven me, and, trusting in the grace of the Holy Spirit, look forward toworking with others for the building-up of the Body of Christ."

The retiring Bishop of Aberdeen, Bishop Peter Moran, said:“I am very pleased to welcome Bishop Hugh Gilbert as my successor. Hisrich spiritual experience will guide the people of the diocese in thatsearch for personal holiness on which Pope Benedict has laid such stress.After nineteen years as abbot, his fatherly leadership skills will supportand empower the clergy of the diocese in their often isolated pastoralappointments. I am confident that I am passing our diocese to an excellent successor and I wish Bishop Hugh every blessing.”

Bishop Moran added:“neither Pluscarden Abbey nor its Abbot are remote from the pressures andconcerns of the contemporary world, which so much needs God, and needs toknow god’s love. Hugh Gilbert’s wide-ranging friendships and contacts willensure that the Diocese of Aberdeen remains very much in touch with ‘thejoys and hopes, the griefs and the anxieties’ of the Church and the worldof today.”

The President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, Cardinal KeithO’Brien, said:“The Bishop is aware more than most Bishops of the need of the Diocese ofAberdeen having been a monk in this Diocese for so long. He himself as awilling servant of this Diocese already has been willing to travel onsupply to various parishes in the Diocese and his Monastery has presented an opendoor to priests, religious and people of the Diocese of Aberdeen andindeed people who come seeking advice and help from all over our countryand throughout the world."

Cardinal O'Brien continued: "Through his very beautiful writings, manybased on the addresses to his community at Pluscarden, he has had amaginificent outreach in helping to build up the spiritual lives ofothers. And because of the outreach from his own monastery to othermonasteries throughout the world he realizes the needs of those incountries which are less prosperous than our own."

The Cardinal concluded: "One might say that a new Bishop for Abrdeen could not have had a betterpreparation than to have been the Abbot of Pluscarden Abbey within thisDiocese, for such a period of time, before his call by Pope Benedict XVIto be the Bishop.”

Congratulations also came from the former Bishop of Aberdeen,Archbishop Mario Conti, who said:“I am delighted that Abbot Hugh has been chosen to be my second successoras Bishop of Aberdeen. He is a wise and holy man who knows the diocesewell and who is much respected by the people and the priests.”

Archbishop Conti concluded: “I had the joy of ordaining him priest and soit will be a special pleasure to be there when he is ordained a bishop.”

(source: SCMO)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

New Release: bilingual Diurnale Romanum

A new release for all friends of the traditional Roman liturgy: Fr Ramm of the FSSP's Apostolate in Thalwil announces a new edition of the 1962 Diurnale Romanum. This edition, newly typeset is bilingual: german-latin, in a clear two-column format.

The new edition is available for pre-order, and will be shipped in mid-August. Available with or without zippered cover, prices start at 80,- CHF / 60,- € (approx. $103 / £63).

For more information, including order form, please see

Redemptorists on Feast of St Alphonsus

Yesterday, the Feast of our Holy Father Saint Alphonsus, was a very special day for us since we also had a final profession, temporary profession and two clothings!

The four candidates present themselves before the superior.

With Our Lord enthroned within the tabernacle and the doors open, Br. Xavier Maria, F.SS.R. kneels before His Divine Majesty and pronounces his final vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience together with a vow and oath of perseverance.

Br. Xavier binds himself with his hand upon the Holy Gospel.

Br. Alfonso, also kneeling before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament pronounces his temporary vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience for three years. He received his complete religious name: Br. Alfonso Maria of the Star of the Sea, F.SS.R. Brother had spent some years as a sailor before he joined the Transalpine Redemptorists.

At the time of first profession, brother receives his pallium, or, mantle.

Our two postulants preparing to be clothed in the habit of the congregation. On the left Mr Tyler Lunsford and on the right Mr Arden Mills, both from the United States.

Exuat te Dominus veterem hominem cum actibus eius,
et induat te novum, qui secundum Deum creatus est
in justitia et sanctitate veritatis.

May the Lord strip thee of the old man with all his acts and
clothe thee in the new, who is created by God in justice
and in the holiness of truth.

The new Brothers receive their habits.

Indue, Filii Dominum Jesum Chrisum, semper
mortificationem ejus in corpore tuo circumferens.

Son, put on Our Lord Jesus Christ, always surrounding
thy body with His mortification.

Accipe, Fili, imaginem Crucifixi, Magistri et Redemptoris tui,
qui passus est pro te, et tradidit Semetipsum pro te. Pone Illum
ut signaculum super cor tuum, ut signaculum super brachium

Receive, my Son, the image of the crucifix,
image of thy Master and Redeemer, who suffered for thee and
offered Himself for thee. Place it as a seal upon thy heart, as a
seal upon thy arm

The first step towards leaving the world! Today we have seen all three:
These young men leave the secular life and enter the novitiate.
Br. Alfonso completes his novitiate and makes his temporary vows.
Br. Xavier, after three years of temporary vows takes the final step and gives himself to religious until his death.

Accipe, Filii, Rosarium beatæ Virginis Mariæ, quæ tibi sit semper murus ad protegendum, mater ad nutriendum, stella ad dirgendum, portus ad salvandum. Tu autem stude diligenter Mariam diligere et imitari, ac ejus saluberrimam devotionem ubique propagare. In periculis, in angustiis, in rebus dubiis, Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca. Dulce nomen illius non
recedat ab ore, non recedat a corde.

Receive, Son, the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may She always be a wall to protect thee, a mother to nourish thee, a star to guide thee and the door to thy salvation do Thou, however, learnest diligently to love and imitate Mary, and to propagate Her most salutary devotion everywhere. In dangers, in anguishes, in doubtful things, think of Mary, call upon Mary. May Her sweet name not disappear from thy lips, nor disappear from thy heart.

Accipe hunc habitum benedictum precans sanctissimam
Virginem, ut eius meritis illum perferas sine macula, et te ab
omni adversitate defendat, atque ad vitam perducat æternum.

Receive this blessed Scapular and beseech the Blessed Virgin
that through Her merits, you may wear it without stain. May
it defend you against all adversity and accompany you to
eternal life.

With the reception of the skull cap comes the new name:
Mr Tyler Lunsford is now Br Seelos after Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, C.SS.R.
Mr Arden Mills is now Br Peter after St. Peter the apostle.

Congratulations to Br Peter and Br Seelos!

And to Br Xavier Maria and Br Alfonso Maria!

Br Seelos with his mother and father and three brothers.

And Br Peter with his father.

Mr de Jarving, a friend of Br Alfonso, entered as a postulant today.

Br. Xavier Maria and Br. Magdala Maria, both from the Pacific Islands.

First Mass of Fr Marek Grabowski FSSP

by Dr Joseph Shaw

2011 07 31_0858

Fr Marek Grabowski FSSP made news with his ordination in Poland, this being the first traditional ordination since 1970. He is well known to the English Traditional Catholic community, as he has often visited Reading and was a member of staff at the St Catherine's Trust Summer School in 2007. It was wonderful to see him back here again as a priest. He celebrated Mass with the assistance of Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP as deacon, and Fr Simon Leeworthy FSSP as subdeacon.)

2011 07 31_0882

I have never seen St William of York so full. There were people crowded at the back, the extension had about 30 people in it, and of course there was the choir in the choir loft. In all about 120 people. (No, Paul Inwood, not the 'same 30 people' in Portsmouth diocese people going to more Masses than before, but four times that number at St William of York alone.

2011 07 31_0852

Afterwards Fr Grabowski gave 'first blessings'.

2011 07 31_0872

More photos here.

(reposted from LMS Chairman blog)

2nd Latin Mass Society Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham

You are invited to the second Latin Mass Society walking pilgrimage for the conversion of England. We will be walking from Ely to Walsingham from 26th to 28th August 2011. This is a bank-holiday weekend.

Pilgrims will meet in the evening of Thursday 25 August at St Ethelreda's Catholic Church, 19 Egremont Street, Ely, CB6 1AE. The pilgrimage will begin with the Traditional Mass in St Ethelreda's Catholic Church on Friday morning.

There will be a sung Traditional Latin Mass each day and Confession will be available throughout the pilgrimage.

Mass on the second day will be in the private chapel at Oxburgh Hall. This is a c15th moated manor house which is still the home of the Bedingfield family who built it nearly six hundred years ago. Oxburgh Hall was a recusant house in penal times and has a priest hole. The pilgrimage will conclude with Mass at Walsingham on Sunday afternoon (in the Chapel of Reconciliation, the 'barn-like' building next to the Slipper Chapel!). Pilgrims will have the chance to visit the Slipper Chapel as well.

This pilgrimage is open to all ages and to families.

We want to encourage as many families to attend this pilgrimage as possible. For that reason we have secured indoor accommodation for each night. The indoor accommodation is for use by women and children. Women and children are also free to camp if they wish. Camping is compulsory for men, although this will be indoors on the Friday night.

For more information, including pricing, how to apply, and frequently asked questions, please see here.

Young Catholic Adults National Weekend 2011

by Damian Barker

During the weekend of the 9-11 September 2011. Young Catholic Adults will be running a retreat at Douai Abbey, it will be led by Juventutem Ecclesiastical Assistant Fr de Malleray . The weekend will be full-board.
  • YCA will have half of the retreat centre to itself
  • There will be a Marian Procession, Rosaries, Sung Mass, Low Mass, Confession and socials
  • Fr. de Malleray FSSP head of Juventutem will preach the retreat, Masses will be in the Extraordinary form
Prices range from £5 to £51 per person per night . There are 3 options

Friday , registration from 4pm, to Sunday 11th September (full board)* or
Arrive Saturday morning till Sunday or day only
51 pounds full-board PER PERSON PER NIGHT
25 pounds for students/low waged/unwaged (or whatever you can afford) PER PERSON PER NIGHT


£35 PER PERSON PER NIGHT (full board). Self catering £25 per person per night (reductions for students:- or whatever you can afford) .


£5 PER PERSON PER NIGHT (or whatever you can afford - please bring your own tent and food ).

If you would like lunch on Sunday 11th then it will be an extra £7 each.

How to book - limited places so please reserve your place early

To reserve your place FOR THE WEEKEND (no deposit needed if you are coming for the day on Saturday), please contact the Guestmaster direct and send a 20 pound deposit (NON RETURNABLE) to Brother Christopher Greener OSB, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berks. RG7 5TQ (please make any cheques payable to Douai Abbey). Please mention how long you wish to stay and any special diet.

For general enquiries about the weekend:- or any queries about the accommodation/location/lifts required please ring Damian Barker on 07908105787 or 01452 539503.

(for more info, see here)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Helping in the Horn of Africa

"Cor Unum"
is the Holy Father's Charity.

Horn of Africa

Yesterday the Pontifical Council Cor Unum warned that
hundreds of thousands of people in the Horn of Africa
are at risk of dying due to a lack of basic necessities
caused by drought and violence.

This council, which oversees the Church's charity work,
noted Benedict XVI's appeal on Sunday.

"Around 10 million people are suffering, and hundreds of thousands of refugees risk dying because of a lack of basic necessities. Somalia and northern Kenya are the worst struck areas."

The drought is the worst the area has seen for 60 years.
The last official famine was in 1984-85,
when about 1 million people in Ethiopia and Sudan died.

South Somalia is controlled by Islamic fundamentalists
who until last week had banned aid agencies from the area.

The Pope appealing for the Horn of Africa last Sunday.

The Holy Father already sent a €50,000 ($70,000) donation
through Cor Unum
to the apostolic administrator of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
The Apostolic Administrator Bishop Giorgio Bertin
is directly involved in bringing assistance to the people affected.

The Holy Father speaks.

We invite you to send donations to the Holy Father's Charity -
The Pontifical Council Cor Unum:
How to do it:
The bank details below are from the Cor Unum website:

Bank transfers in Euro (€) from outside Italy:

Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 603035
Bank: Banco Posta, Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Bank Address: Viale Europa, 175; I-00144 Rome, Italy
BIC-SWIFT Code for Poste Italiane S.p.A: BPPIITRRXXX

(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)

Bank transfers in other currencies from outside Italy:

(US Dollar USD, Australian Dollar AUD,
Canadian Dollar CAD, British Pound GBP,
Swiss Franc CHF, Japanese Yen JPY):

Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 603035
Bank: Banco Posta, Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Bank Address: Viale Europa, 175; I-00144 Rome, Italy
BIC-SWIFT Code for Banca Popolare di Sondrio: POSOIT22XXX

(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)

Donations in any currency can also be made to:

Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 101010
Bank: Banca di Roma
IBAN Code: IT93 J 03002 05008 000000 101010

(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)

In the UK
donations large and small to relieve the famine
through the Holy Father's charity "Cor Unun"
may be sent to the Apostolic Nuncio
at the following address:

Most Reverend Archbishop Antonio Mennini
Apostolic Nunciature
54 Parkside
London, SW19 5NE

(reposted from Transalpine Redemptorists at Home)

Monday, 18 July 2011

Evangelium 2011

by Dr Joseph Shaw

It is still possible to book places at the Evangelium Conference taking place at the Oratory School near Reading, 5th – 7th August 2011, for young adults (18-35).

Here is a list of the participants:
  • Rt Rev. Mark Davies - Bishop of Shrewsbury
  • Steve Ray - World famous Catholic evangelist and former Baptist
  • Dr Caroline Farey - Head of the Maryvale Institute Catechetical Team
  • Fr Jerome Bertram - Oratorian and writer
  • Sr Roseann Ready - Founder of the Sisters for the Gospel of Life
  • Dr Andrew Nash - Expert on Bl. John Henry Newman
  • Dr Joseph Shaw - Philosopher at Oxford University
  • Fr Ed Tomlinson - Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
  • Joanna Bogle - Broadcaster, writer, author of Feasts and Seasons
  • Jaime Bogle - President of the Catholic Union
  • Fiorella Nash - Catholic novelist
  • Edmund Adamus - Director of Pastoral Affairs for Westminster Archdiocese
  • Fr Thomas Crean OP - author of A Catholic Replies to Professor Dawkins
  • Fr Marcus Holden - Co-founder of St Anthony Communications; co-author of Evangelium
  • Fr Andrew Pinsent - Oxford University Theology Faculty, former particle physicist at CERN
The Reading Oratory School was founded under the supervision of John Henry, later Cardinal Newman, in 1859, and is today one of the top independent boys' schools in the United Kingdom.

Price: £95 (full board)

Further information

Yes, I will be there, and on past form so will the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. It promises to be a very interesting event.

Gregorian Chant for Beginners in Orkney

Mr Ben Whitworth of the Orkney Schola will be teaching an evening class, 'Gregorian Chant for Beginners', starting on Wednesday 28 September, and running until Wednesday 23 November (with a break on 9 November) in Orkney. The course will be held at the King Street Halls, Kirkwall, under the auspices of the Council's Community Learning Programme.

Full details will be available soon, but please mark your diary now! More information will be found on the Schola's blog at

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

New Usus Antiquior Mass in St Andrews

by Shawn Tribe

On Sunday 8th May 2011 students at the University of St Andrews - Scotland's first University and the third oldest in the English speaking world - were privileged to be able to attend the third celebration of Holy Mass in the extraordinary form in St Andrews since the motu proprio. A Missa Cantata was sung by Fr John Emerson FSSP in St James' Parish Church with the generous permission of the chaplain and pastor, Fr Andrew Kingham, and the ongoing support of the local archbishop, Keith Patrick Cardinal O'Brien. Fr Emerson travels to St Andrews on the second Sunday of each month to say Mass at 5pm, with the students making every effort to provide the proper ceremonies and music to the highest possible standards. On this occasion Fr Emerson was assisted by a team of four student servers and was accompanied by a quartet of student voices singing parts of Victoria's Missa O Quam Gloriosum and motets by Viadana and Palestrina. The introit was sung to a setting by Pitoni. There were over forty people in attendance, the vast majority of whom were students.

The church, which celebrated its centenary last year, was funded in great part by John, third Marquess of Bute, whose taste for marble is clearly present in its beautiful design.

(reposted from The New Liturgical Movement; photo: Matthew Hudson)