Sunday, 21 December 2008

Christmas Mass times

Christmas Masses according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite

Christmas is the only day of the year which keeps the old custom of celebrating its Feast at midnight. At this hour we call to mind that Mary in her spotless virginity gave to the world its Saviour. In the midst of darkness, the Light was born. Therefore the Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th, the time of the year when the days begin to lengthen. The custom of having three Masses originated in Jerusalem. A Mass was said in Bethlehem at a very early hour in the morning. Later a second Mass was celebrated in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. About midday a third Mass was celebrated.

The Midnight Mass specially recalls the temporal birth of Jesus. The Mass at Dawn especially recalls the spiritual birth of Jesus in our souls, and commemorates the adoration of the shepherds. The Third Mass during the Daytime recalls especially the eternal generation of Jesus, and celebrates the dignity of the Son of God

Mass times:

Wednesday 24 December 2008
Advent Carols, followed by Midnight Mass (Missa Cantata)
11.30pm (Carols), Midnight (Mass)
St Andrew's Church, Ravelston, Edinburgh

Thursday 25 December 2008
Second Mass of Christmas
10.00am, FSSP Oratory, 6 Belford Park, Edinburgh

Thursday 25 December 2008
Third Mass of Christmas (Missa Cantata)
11.30am, St Andrew's Church, Ravelston, Edinburgh
12.15pm, Sacred Heart Church, Bridgeton


Please comment with any further Mass times you are aware of.


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