Thursday, 14 May 2009

Novena for 3rd anniversary of Juventutem Federation

Ad Deum qui laetificat + Juventutem meam

Dear Juventutem Friends,

Greetings in the Lord.

In 10 days (Sunday after the Ascension, 24th May) on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians we will celebrate the third anniversary of the foundation of the International Juventutem Federation. We invite you to pray each of the next 9 days one decade of the Holy Rosary for all Juventutem members worldwide and for the clergy supporting Juventutem.

With my prayers,

Fr de Malleray,
Ecclesiastical Assistant, Juventutem


Upcoming events:

1) Traditional international ‘Pilgrimage of Christendom’ from Paris to Chartres, France, May 30th – June 1st, 2009 (see here). Join the Juventutem chapter and walk from Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris to Notre-Dame cathedral in Chartres, together with 8,000 other young pilgrims! All Masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite. Meet with dozens of clergy and religious from the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter and other ‘Ecclesia Dei’ communities. Contact: Madeleine Readings: madeleinereadings at

2) Juventutem retreat in England, Douai Abbey, Berks., September 18-20, 2009: all young adults welcome. Preacher: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP. Contact: Damian Barker: juventutemcatholicam at; for more details, please see here. Cost: from as little as £25 for students (or £48.88 for for non-students).

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