Monday, 25 January 2010

upcoming events - February

Tuesday 2 February 2010
Missa Cantata for Candlemas (Feast of the Purification)
6.15pm, FSSP Oratory, 6 Belford Park, Edinburgh

Thursdays, 4, 11, 18 & 25 February 2010
Gregorian Chant (intermediate)
9.45 - 11.45am, Appies Tea Rooms, Sandvick, Orkney Islands

Monday 8 February 2010
Traditional Latin Mass
7pm, Sacred Heart Church, 50 Old Dalmarnock Road, Bridgeton, Glasgow
followed by tea and talk for half an hour - all welcome

Tuesday 9 February 2010
Debate on legalising assisted suicide
6.00 - 7.30pm, Charles Wilson Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ

Thursday 11 February 2010
(Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
6.45pm, St Mary's RC Cathedral, Broughton Street, Edinburgh (info)

Wednesday 17 February 2010
Masses for Ash Wednesday
6.15pm, St Andrew's Church, Belford Road, Ravelston, Edinburgh (more)
6pm, Sacred Heart Church, 50 Old Dalmarnock Road, Bridgeton, Glasgow

Sunday 28 February (last Sunday of the month)
Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament
after 11.30am Mass (Extraordinary Form),
St Andrew's Church, Belford Road, Ravelston, Edinburgh (more)

Sunday 28 February
Adoration & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11.00am, St Margaret's RC Church, Loch Rd, South Queensferry,
followed by Benediction at 3.00pm


Please comment with details of further events.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Lenten week-end of Recollection

Lenten week-end of recollection: 5-7 March 2010
on ‘The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell and Heaven’.
Retreat Master: Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP

All Saints Conference Centre, Shenley Lane, London Colney, Herts, AL2 1AF. Website:
Starts on Friday 5th March 2010 at 5pm (later arrival possible) – ends on Sunday 7th March 2010 at 4pm.

Price: £126 everything included (for: £116 as Centre’s fees + £10 as FSSP fees). Please bring your traditional hand missal + your own towel and soap.

Booking: please send a £15 deposit cheque made payable to FSSP ENGLAND, to ‘FSSP Lenten Retreat', 179 Elgar Road, Reading, RG2 0DH, Berks. Please kindly book now.

Holy Family Apostolate has a website!

The Holy Family Apostolate is a new association, based near Edinburgh, Scotland, for Roman Catholic families. Their field of apostolate is "firstly ourselves as individuals, our family members, form whom we have to answer directly to God, and lastly other families, as good families will necessarily produce a better society".

Their new website can be found at

Monday, 11 January 2010

reminder: Chartres Pilgrimage Mass in Glasgow

Monday 18 January 2010
Missa Cantata (Votive Mass for Unity of the Church), followed by talk about Chartres Pilgrimage
7.00pm, Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy, Turnbull Hall, 13-15 Southpark Terrace, Glasgow G12 8LG

Sung Mass celebrated according to the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. There will be a short talk about the Paris to Chartres Pilgrimage afterwards with details of how to apply for sponsorship.

For more information (previous posts) about Chartres see here.

Note: a similar talk will be held on Sunday 31 January, at the Edinburgh University Catholic Chaplaincy, 24 George Square, Edinburgh, at 8.15pm.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Unwanted Christmas gifts!

The Sisters of the Gospel of Life want your unwanted gifts! If you have adult, children or baby clothing, jewellery, unopened toiletries, craft items or books that you don’t want, please pass them along to them and they’ll be sure to make use of them, either at the Initiative or in the Precious Things shop.

Their office at 104 Albert Rd, Glasgow is open 9.30-5pm, Monday to Friday. If you’d like more information give us a call on 0141 433 2680.

Thank you and God bless you!

Incidentally, Monday's Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God marks ten years since their foundation. Please pray for them that the next ten may be as blessed and grace-filled as the last.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

Friday, 1 January 2010

reminder: Blog Help Wanted


One of the authors of this blog intends to retire from blogging by Easter. If you have time to help out with this blog, and see it continue, please leave a comment, or email markadm at catholic dot org.

Without such help, this blog cannot continue.

All comments are moderated, hence private comments can be left which will remain unpublished.