Monday, 11 January 2010

reminder: Chartres Pilgrimage Mass in Glasgow

Monday 18 January 2010
Missa Cantata (Votive Mass for Unity of the Church), followed by talk about Chartres Pilgrimage
7.00pm, Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy, Turnbull Hall, 13-15 Southpark Terrace, Glasgow G12 8LG

Sung Mass celebrated according to the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. There will be a short talk about the Paris to Chartres Pilgrimage afterwards with details of how to apply for sponsorship.

For more information (previous posts) about Chartres see here.

Note: a similar talk will be held on Sunday 31 January, at the Edinburgh University Catholic Chaplaincy, 24 George Square, Edinburgh, at 8.15pm.

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